Monday, August 29, 2005

I went out shopping last night. I went to the Southcenter Toys R Us and Target. Target no longer has any GI Joes on the shelves. I am not very happy about that. I thought they would at least have space in preparation for the Sigma 6 figures.

I did see a nice selection of Joes at Toys R Us. They had some figures that I have not picked up yet. Being that I am in a cash flow problem right now, I did not pick any Joes up. I did finally find that Fire and Ice Smoke Dragon that I have been wanting.

I also found some of the new Toy Biz Marvel toys. They had some stuff I hadn't seen before like the Make a Figure stuff, the Ghost Rider SuperHero showdown figure, and these Transformers Marvel style. Very interesting stuff but nothing I picked up.

And that was what I did on Sunday night.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I am starting up this blog to capture moments in my collecting life. To put notes about what I find and am looking for in regards to my 3 3/4" GI Joe collection.

I have a pretty extensive collection dating back to when the toys first started coming out in 1982/1983. I was 7 years old. I just turned 30 on July 31. My toy collection is a big part of me.

The biggest change in my collection is the selling of the Defiant Space Shuttle Complex and the Mobile Command Center. I was very happy when the MCC came back out but I was not able to buy one at the time it was on the shelves. Other than the selling of those, I still have all of my collection.

My newest purchase was the buying of the Cobra Imperial Procession.